
Yves Rocher Foundation at IUCN World Conservation Congress

Great news: the Yves Rocher Foundation will attend the 2021 IUCN World Conservation Congress! And this year, it is being held in Marseille, France, from 3 to 11 September 2021.

What is the IUCN World Conservation Congress?

The World Conservation Congress of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is an event where people come together to define priorities and guide conservation and sustainable development initiatives. In 2021, it is being held in Marseille from 3rd to 11th September. At this event, over 1,400 nature and biodiversity stakeholders (local authorities, businesses, NGOs, scientific and educational communities, the general public and youth representatives) will work together to address a nature-based recovery, climate change and post-2020 biodiversity.

Created in 1948 in a post-war context, the IUCN is now the global authority on the state of the natural world and the measures required to protect it. The first ever World Conservation Congress was organised in Fontainebleau, France. 68 years later, the 2016 event in Hawaii attracted over 10,000 participants from 180 countries and reached out to 45 million people via social media. This Congress is growing increasingly popular with each new edition!

What does the Yves Rocher Foundation plan to do at the IUCN World Conservation Congress?

In 2020, we celebrated planting 100 million trees. Then, a few months ago, we received the Partner Committed to Nature accolade. And since good things come in threes, in 2021 we will attend the IUCN World Conservation Congress as an official partner!
More specifically, on 6th and 7th September, we will have several opportunities to discuss nature and biodiversity.

On the programme:

  • “hedges as guardians of biodiversity”, a two-pronged approach: the Yves Rocher Foundation and Afac-Agroforesteries discuss the benefits of hedges in France,
  • presentation of the Plant for Life programme and the new Fonds pour l’Arbre fund,
  • screening of our film Elles changent le monde about women who are changing the world, presenting the initiatives of four of our Terre de Femmes winners,
  • speedpitching with other Partners Committed to Nature to present our Terre de Femmes and Plant for Life programmes… And lots of other surprises!

To keep track of what we’re up to with the IUCN, follow us on social media:

To find out more about this year’s IUCN World Conservation Congress, please visit the official website: 


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