The Yves Rocher Foundation

At the end of the earth or the end of the street, we can all commit to changing the world

30 mots qui comptent

Ils sont au nombre de 30... Ils disent notre manière de faire et d'être au monde...

Notre équipe

La nature a plus que jamais besoin de l’engagement...

Notre marque de fabrique

Notre ambition : être pleinement les artisans de r...


Notre histoire


Our Foundation is the foundation of all our actions around the world. Together with our team and partners, we support the deployment of local projects that can then spread to the wider community for the good of nature and communities. And that’s a great joy!

After 18 years under the aegis of the prestigious Institut de France, the Foundation is now recognized as a public utility, and we have also obtained PEN (Partenaire Engagé pour la Nature) certification for our Plant for Life and Terre de Femmes programs. This is true recognition of our commitment to nature and the common good. We’re very happy about it, and it gives us a real boost to continue this magnificent adventure together.


Our Terre de Femmes program promotes the struggle of women committed to the environment. With our photo actions, we also support committed photographers who, through their eyes, make us see the world differently. Thanks to our Plants & Biodiversity program, we help people in the field who are working to safeguard the plant world and biodiversity.

Last but not least, Plant for Life, our worldwide tree planting and forest preservation movement, has already planted 125 million trees.

Committed to biodiversity

33 years

of stories

 + 500

women awarded around the world

+ 125 million

trees planted

71 NGOs


supported in over 60 countries


With official ‘public interest’ status

Having operated under the auspices of the prestigious Institut de France for 18 years, the Yves Rocher Foundation will be awarded ‘public interest’ status in September 2019. We are committed to remaining accountable to our sponsors, donors and partners, providing them with information that is as precise and accurate as possible. And like any other ‘public interest’ organisation, the Foundation will now be subject to official external audits and checks (by the Court of Auditors).


  • Mr Jacques ROCHER – Chairman
  • Mrs Jeanne RENARD – General Secretary & Director People and Mission of Groupe Rocher
  • Mrs Méliane ROCHER – Treasurer

Qualified personalities


Equipe Fondation Yves Rocher 2024

Our small but mighty team is composed of project managers engaged in planting trees or involved in female empowerment projects, as well as experts with a passion for communication and administration.
And yes, they do exist! Whatever our background, we all share a handful of core values: a sense of altruism and a burning desire to get things moving when it comes to protecting and safeguarding our planet.

Engagé.es pour préserver la nature
Wangari Maathai prix Nobel de la paix et marraine de la campagne Plant for the planet de l’ONU
Proches de la nature et de la terre par leur travail et les rôles qu’elles exercent dans leur vie quotidienne, les femmes sont des actrices...
Frans Krajcberg s’est éteint le 15 novembre à l’âge de 96 ans. Cet artiste engagé menait de front un double combat, artistique et écologique, contre ceux...
Dominique Bona est une femme de lettres hautement reconnue (elle a reçu de nombreux prix littéraires prestigieux pour ses romans, elle siège à l’Académie Française)...
Auteur, vulgarisateur, vice-président de l'Opie L'entomologiste François Lasserre est depuis son enfance passionné par les insectes et le reste du vivant. Auteur, pédagogue, il mène...

Committed Word

jacques rocher la gacilly plantons pour la planète

Following us,is already making a commitment!

#let’s cultivate commitment together

Se reconnecter à la nature à l'ère du digital - visite à l'Observatoire de la Fondation Yves Rocher - Marine Leroy

Se reconnecter à la nature

Retisser le lien à la nature Alors que plus de la moitié de la population mondia...

Un engagement sans frontière

35 pays de plantations à travers le monde

Jacques Rocher planteur d'arbres

3 millions d’arbres 

 Plus de 3000 kms ont déjà été plantés en France


The Foundation’s planting and biodiversity initiatives

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