Plant trees with us!
Making a donation to the Yves Rocher Foundation for its PLANT FOR LIFE program means sowing one or more seeds… by participating in the planting of trees in France and around the world. Mission hedges in France, green renaissance in Ethiopia, Food Forests in the Netherlands, plantations and nurseries in southern India, preservation of the habitat of the Monarch butterfly in Mexico… Our field of action is vast and the reasons for planting trees are multiple and specific to each planting project carried out in 35 countries of action.
Already 100 million trees planted with the Yves Rocher Foundation!
Why plant trees?
Over the past 30 years, around 420 million hectares of forest have disappeared worldwide, or a football pitch every second. Trees are the pillars of our earth. They fight against climate change, stop desertification, protect biodiversity, provide countless ecological services, develop the economy of the territories.
It’s simple, they draw a sustainable and highly desirable future, for us, for you and especially for the generations that follow us.
Want to help build a better world?
No time to lose…we need you! Without trees, no biodiversity… So join the movement and be part of our big goal: 35 million more trees by 2025.
Why make a donation to the PLANT FOR LIFE program of the Yves Rocher Foundation?
“The act of planting must be done in conscience. It is not a question of lining up rows of pines or eucalyptus with the aim of carbon offsetting or short-term financial gain.” Jean-Philippe Beau-Douezy, Ecologist and co-founder of the planting program of the Yves Rocher Foundation
Planting must be done with respect and according to local constraints, each planting site is unique, each planting objective too.
For more than 13 years, the Yves Rocher Foundation planting program has been:
- Already 100 million trees planted
- 48 NGOs supported
- 35 countries of action
- 1 tree planted every 3 seconds
- More than 1 million planters
- Thousands of plantation sites in France and around the world
And it’s not over: Together, the adventure continues: we need you!
You will understand, without trees there is no life! So join the movement !
A tax deductible donation
Making a donation to the PLANT FOR LIFE program of the Yves Rocher Foundation allows you to benefit from a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.
A 100% secure donation
To collect donations, the Yves Rocher Foundation uses the Hello Asso platform. When a payment is made, Hello Asso does not keep this data or use it. They are only used to authenticate the payment with banks and the Foundation, in order to establish payment certificates and/or tax receipts.
Tax receipts are issued immediately and sent by email to the address provided.