Lotty Morey, winner of the Terre de Femmes France 2021 Award, Biodiversité Amazonienne
Lotty Morey, winner of the Terre de Femmes France 2021 Award, Biodiversité Amazonienne

Lotty Morey

Protecting the Amazonian Forest and its biodiversity with local communities.

This great Earth Mother is a passionate protector of the immense Peruvian forestlands. An environmental, social and economic challenge with unprecedented scope.

As President of the Biodiversité Amazonienne association, Lotty works day in, day out to protect and preserve the environment in the Yanayacu-Maquia nature reserve, a haven of biodiversity deep in the heart of the Peruvian forest. Working with local communities since 2006, Lotty has planted over 30,000 native trees.

More information on Lotty’s project :

Association siteweb : https://biodiversite-amazonienne.org/
Facebook: @BiodiversiteAmazonienne

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