News from the field: Organic farming in Italy

Breaking news from our organic farming project in Italy, rolled out alongside our partner Aveprobi (the Veneto region’s association of organic and biodynamic farmers).

What’s up in Italy?

In Italy’s north-eastern region of Veneto, the Yves Rocher Foundation has undertaken to fund the planting of 10,000 trees on behalf of the association Aveprobi. The initiative offers training courses to farmers and raises awareness to help them incorporate more sustainable farming practices into their work.

41 tree species were planted in 14 farms in the Veneto and Latium regions.

How are things progressing in Veneto?

This summer, we dropped by Veneto’s farmers.

Mathia started planting trees in his vineyard three years ago. This organic farming enthusiast began doing so in a bid to support biodiversity and protect his organic vines from the neighbouring plot, where traditional farming practices are still used. Thanks to the Yves Rocher Foundation, this year he was able to plant a new hedgerow.

Find out more about our work in Italy:

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