Au Nom de l’Arbre is an ode to life…

Au Nom de l’Arbre invites us on a "journey to meet everyday heroes who are fighting against the blind and methodical destruction of our natural resources". Through the lenses of 9 photographers committed to the environment, this book takes us on an adventure. Their visions, although diverging, converge into a single united viewpoint. One that speaks to the core of "the universal language of emotion".

The world has lost 40% of its forestland in the last three centuries and every year, 13 million hectares of forests (an area the size of Portugal) continue to disappear. Each time this happens, entire ecosystems and the biodiversity they contain disappear, reminding us that although we are able to destroy nature, we are nonetheless incapable of controlling it.

But the tide can be turned: from France to Ethiopia, and from India to Ecuador, entire communities are rising up and fighting to reforest the planet. This book is a true ode to trees, and pays tribute to them. It shows, using concrete examples, how humans can replant trees intelligently to meet the specific needs of each given area.

And because the preservation of nature should not be a solitary battle, the Yves Rocher Foundation gives all readers of the book the chance to participate in the reforestation effort. For each book purchased, 5 trees will be planted thanks to the support of Afac-Agroforesterie.

In summary, Au Nom de l’Arbre allows you to witness the work of the Yves Rocher Foundation around the world, to discover committed photojournalists, and also gives you the opportunity to take concrete action by planting 5 trees.

Being a tree means creating a lasting foothold in a natural space, learning to adapt to a specific setting, living with the time that passes with each changing season, and providing a safe haven for many animals and insects in order to preserve the balance of biodiversity.

Jacques Rocher

Sylvain Tesson : An ode to trees

Nomadic writer Sylvain Tesson has been taking his readers on adventures for over 20 years. An innate adventurer and philosopher at heart, he embodies curiosity and a sense of fun, history and literature, and an insatiable craving for wide, open spaces that allow him to recharge his batteries while revelling in human encounters and opportunities to reflect on the beauty of our planet. His taste for risk and his solo travels have inspired numerous stories, including En avant, calme et fou (Albin Michel, 2017). His writings are widely praised by critics: in 2009, he won the Goncourt de la Nouvelle literary prize for Une vie à coucher dehors (Gallimard 2009) and in 2019, he was awarded the Renaudot prize for La Panthère des neiges (Gallimard 2018).

At the start of the 21st century, the world waged a highly effective war on the equilibrium of the natural world.

Sylvain Tesson

Cyril Drouhet : Raising awareness through images

A trained reporter and historian, Cyril Drouhet is Head of Photography and Reporting at Le Figaro Magazine. He has a keen interest in reforestation initiatives, so naturally agreed to contribute to the creation of this book.

Photographs to keep a record of reforestation

Photographing our planet is one form of commitment, so Jacques Rocher and the Yves Rocher Foundation called on nine renowned photographers to highlight the connections that exist between trees, Earth and people. Not only does this photography project, which ran from 2017 to 2020, illustrate the urgent need to take action, but it also pays tribute to these women and men who are working tirelessly to reforest our Earth. These highly committed photo-reporters set off to meet tree planters on the ground. They completed their assignments by their sides, using photography to keep a record. Thanks to their talent, we can now discover, marvel and take stock of reality through the vast diversity of places, time scales, people, points of view – in short, the millions of stories that form part of our planet’s reforestation process.

Albin Michel

Founded in 1900, Albin Michel has been publishing all kinds of books for more than a century, from literature and documentaries to human sciences, youth, psychology, spirituality, comics, and more. Since the creation of its Illustrated Books department in 2009, it has also been publishing beautiful volumes in the fields of art, photography, history, ecology, heritage, and so on.

Every year, Albin Michel releases almost 450 books, which often receive awards and enjoy success among readers. It is one of the leading independent – and family-owned – publishing houses in France.

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