Promoting forest regeneration and the planting of local species in Swiss mountain forests.
A third of the Swiss land surface is made up of forests, this surface is constantly increasing, especially in the mountains. In this country, the forest plays an essential role for animals as much as for humans. Indeed, 35% of animal species in Switzerland depend on the forest.
But it happens on certain sites trees don’t manage to regenerate naturally. These are mainly sites deforested by natural phenomena such as avalanches or forest fires, but also by attacks by pests such as beetle.
The project
The mountain forest project is part of planting and mobilizing volunteers to promote forest regeneration.
The first step is to establish plantations in the mountain ranges of Switzerland. Volunteers discuss and agree on local needs, in consultation with the forest services. Secondly, Bergwaldprojekt organizes planting activities with Yves Rocher Suisse. In order to carrying out forestry work and plantations adapted to local needs.
Since 2017, the Fondation Yves Rocher has supported the planting of more than 30,000 trees at some twenty sites in Switzerland. For this new collaboration from 2021 to 2023, it is a question of planting a total of 21,000 trees.
Trees planted by Bergwalprojekt volunteers have a good chance of survival because they are tree species adapted to the environment and climate. The volunteers are extremely involved in the plantations and some of them have worked with the association for more than 30 years.
A few words about the NGO
The Bergwaldprojekt is a charitable foundation founded in 1987. Its purpose is to promote the conservation, maintenance and protection of the forest and the rural landscape of mountain regions. In particular through maintenance and regeneration interventions. But also by raising public awareness of the interests of the forest.
Since its inception, nearly 55,000 volunteers have worked in mountain forests in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Catalonia and Liechtenstein. The association works mainly in public forests, thus supporting mountain municipalities. It is about carrying out ecological work in cooperation with local foresters.
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