Protecting biodiversity. These two simple words convey a major fundamental commitment to the future of our planet.
We’re working to support this cause within the context of plants, which are so essential to life. Damaged by human activity, the balance of the natural world is vital for our environment and for mankind. For many years, we have been working with the men and women who are striving to restore struggling regions and save endangered species.
Supporting the people taking action
We have thus been supporting the Conservatoire National Botanique de Brest with its efforts to preserve the rare and endangered Ekman’s magnolia tree in Haiti for several years. Meanwhile, on the island of Ouessant, we are also supporting the Gretia association in creating an inventory of wild pollinators. The many different projects we support are concrete, tangible expressions of our beliefs, commitments and responsibilities with respect to taking necessary, urgent action to preserve life on our planet.