12 meetings of minds - 30 years Foundation

12. Meetings of minds

Meetings of minds

Wangari Maathai, Jean-Marie Pelt, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Sylvain Tesson, Vincent Munier…
Each in 
their own unique way, these individuals have all helped us grow and see the world from a different perspective, elevating us to become the Foundation we are today.

Jane Goodall

We met renowned British anthropologist and ethologist Jane Goodall, a chimpanzee expert, friend of the Foundation, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, and a United Nations Messenger of Peace. Cue moving memories, a unique perspective on the world, thoughts on the future, and messages of hope. We’re delighted and proud to be working with this inspiring woman. Interview.

I’m so impressed by what the Yves Rocher Foundation has been doing for the past thirty years. You, Jacques, and I all speak the same language: the language of people who like to stand up and be counted, people with a love of our planet. What the Yves Rocher Foundation is doing for trees and women is crucial.

The Roots & Shoots adventure began in 1991, just like your Foundation, with twelve high-schoolers from Tanzania who were worried about the environment, poaching in nature reserves, and illegal dynamite finishing, which destroys the coral reef. They contacted me, and we set up Roots & Shoots. The programme is structured around small groups, each choosing a project to help animals and people or protect the environment. It’s a grassroots organisation. There are now groups in sixty-four countries, and they’re changing the world!

In the twelve African countries where we’re active, Roots & Shoots are very involved in restoring their natural heritage and in reforestation. Over 4,000 young people are planting trees to restore over 400 hectares of forestland, where wild chimpanzees live. We want to help train the leaders of the future, empathetic supporters of positive change.

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