AVF Sénégal

News from the field: Village-led agroforestry and forestry initiative in Senegal

Breaking news from our agroforestry initiative in Senegal, rolled out alongside our partner Afrique Verte et Fertile (AVF).

What’s up in Senegal?

Over in Senegal, six villages from the local councils of Ndiob, Thiaré and Niakhar are working with AVF to plant 25,000 trees.

The association’s agroforestry system centres around planting:

  • a ‘live fence’ made of hedges to prevent animals from straying.
  • a second wind-break hedgerow set back 1.5 metres away from the first line,
  • Parallel lines planted with trees designed to fertilise the soil on the farming plots.

What next in Fatick?

Households will receive support with market gardening linked to the fertilising trees. These market garden activities will happen all year-round, allowing households to earn income throughout the period, rather than over the three-month wintering season.

Browse the photos for yourselves.


Find out more about our work in Senegal: https://www.yves-rocher-fondation.org/spots/senegal-2/


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