Vanessa Lopez / The Quiero Trabajo Foundation / Spain / Empowering women / Textile recycling

Vanessa Lopez

Empowering women threatened with social exclusion while reducing the environmental impact of the textile industry.

The Quiero Trabajo Foundation was born from Vanessa’s desire to help women in precarious situations find employment by providing them with personalised support and appropriate outfits using donated clothing.

Since it was set up in 2016, the Quiero Trabajo Foundation has built a large network of volunteers to support vulnerable women affected by unemployment. Their mission is to restore the dignity, independence and self-confidence of these women by offering them a mentoring and image consultancy service.

Over 1,300 women have benefited, with an 86% success rate

A passionate believer in the idea that self-esteem lies at the heart of success, Vanessa drew inspiration from the British association Smart Works to outline her project. Focused on community-oriented social enterprise and sustainable development, the association helps unemployed women prepare for job interviews. As part of this support, the women are given a full wardrobe of second-hand clothes and accessories donated by others to the cause.

Reducing the environmental impact of the textile industry

The project thus pursues a dual objective, with an environmental angle focused on recycled textile and cosmetic items. This solidarity-based redistribution system has already saved an extra 6,000 tonnes of clothing, accessories and beauty products from destruction. Vanessa intends to pursue this successful initiative, drawing on the invaluable joint efforts of hundreds of volunteers and over 2,500 partners.

More information on Vanessa’s project:

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