Barbara Arteaga / Ecoplaso / Mexico / Waste recycling, circular economy / Biotechnology

Barbara Arteaga

Transforming organic waste into alternative materials

Biotechnology engineer Barbara is committed to fighting food waste. She has developed an innovative solution that transforms organic waste into biomaterials that can be used to produce beautiful, useful, recycled and sustainable objects and accessories.

Barbara Arteaga / Ecoplaso / Mexico / Waste recycling, circular economy / Biotechnology

After several years of research in food safety and nanotechnology, Barbara founded Ecoplaso, a company dedicated to creating materials from organic food waste and offering a clean and sustainable alternative to plastic. Making biodegradable, disposable crockery from fruit and vegetable peelings, producing paper from agave, bananas or citrus fruits, creating plant-based leather by recovering fermentable waste… Barbara and her team have developed a host of innovative alternative materials to help reduce waste and limit the use of plastics and animal-derived leather.

Using innovation to enhance circular waste management

A pioneer in producing and distributing ecological, biosourced and biodegradable raw materials in Mexico and Latin America, Barbara’s company continues to conclude a number of partnerships with restaurants and agri-food companies. This virtuous circle thus contributes to the fight against climate change by offsetting the CO2 and methane emissions generated by the decomposition of organic waste.

Over 900 tonnes of waste transformed into biomaterials

A firm believer in the power of rallying as many partners to the cause as possible, Barbara intends to develop awareness-building workshops to promote organic waste reduction, recycling and reuse via biotechnology, which constitutes a promising solution for the future.

More information on Barbara’s project:

Site web:

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