New name, new ambitions. In December we have achieved our 100 million trees target. However, the adventure is set to continue! Our aim is to plant an additional 35 million trees by 2025, working hand-in-hand with our partner NGOs around the world and getting younger generations more closely involved.

We all have a good reason to plant a tree

Trees are the sentinels of the living world : they protect water ressources and an impact on climate balance. However, since 1990 the world has lost 178 million hectares of forest and it is not over… This is why it is essential to continue to fight!
If There are so many good reasons to get planting, all of them have something in common : the creation of a better world. With our team and our partners, we’ve come up with 100 good reasons to plant trees. So join us on the front line and raise awareness of the cause with #plantforlife.

Discover our 100 reasons to plant trees with PLANT FOR LIFE and share your favourite reason with your friends.

SUPPORT comitted women,
initiatives in favour of biodiversity and the Foundation's work.
#let's cultivate commitment

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