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Fruit trees : New neighbours for the “Cité des Cosmonautes” in Saint-Denis 🌱

The “Cité des Cosmonautes” in Saint-Denis recently hosted a truly inspiring event: the planting of fruit trees organised by the Yves Rocher Foundation. This meaningful project aims to improve the living environment for residents while contributing to environmental preservation. This is not our first visit to the neighbourhood, but each action further strengthens our belief that nature has an essential place in our urban spaces. 


With the support of Plaine Commune Habitat, Fun être sur l’île, and Forêt Commune (local organisations, playing a key role in the life of this neighbourhood), we involved Yves Rocher employees as well as residents of the estate to bring this green project to life. It was a wonderful opportunity to reconnect residents with nature while contributing to the sustainable beautification of the area.

A day of action to plant fruit trees 🍏🌳

Pictures by © Julie Cam

It was a true day of solidarity and commitment, where people of all ages rolled up their sleeves to plant fruit trees in this urban space. In a few years, these trees will bear delicious fruit while adding greenery to the estate and will become over time a genuine haven of nature. Alongside the fruit trees, we also planted varieties that will support local biodiversity and strengthen the ecosystem. 


The aim of this initiative was to highlight the importance of urban planting, both to improve residents’ living environments and to combat the effects of increasing urbanisation. Projects like this play a vital role in reducing cities’ ecological footprints and raising awareness about the importance of preserving nature 

“I planted it in front of my home so I can watch my tree grow every day.”

Mina, resident of the neighbourhood

The Benefits of Trees in Urban Spaces 🌿

But why plant fruit trees in an urban environment like the Cité des Cosmonautes? The benefits are numerous, both for the environment and the community:

🌳 Reducing visual and noise pollution: By planting trees along the edge of the motorway, we provide residents with a calming view that conceals the surrounding industrialisation. These trees will also act as a barrier against motorway noise, creating a quieter and more pleasant living environment.
🌬️️ Protection from the elements: These trees will also serve as windbreaks, reducing the impact of extreme weather on buildings and residents, while also mitigating the effects of urban climate change.
🍏Environmental education: By offering residents, particularly the youngest ones, direct contact with nature, this project provides a fun and effective way to raise awareness about the environment and the need to preserve our planet for future generations.

A project rooted in Community and Solidarity 😊

The day took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Smiles were everywhere, and the enthusiasm of the participants, both children and adults, was truly tangible. It was a genuine pleasure to see residents coming together for a common goal, to witness their faces light up as the planting progressed, and to observe how deeply everyone felt connected to this project for their neighbourhood and the environment.

Thanks and perspectives 🙏🌍

This project would not have been possible without the commitment of our partner associations, who made this planting initiative a reality, as well as the support of Yves Rocher’s teams and the residents of the Cité des Cosmonautes. A huge thank you to everyone for your dedication and enthusiasm!

This initiative is part of a broader series of efforts aimed at transforming the cities of tomorrow into greener, more welcoming, and sustainable places. We are excited to watch these trees grow and thrive, just like the community around them. Together, we are nurturing a future where nature has its rightful place in the city, and where everyone can actively contribute to building a more sustainable world.

And you, how would you make your city more sustainable ? 🌱

We hope that this action will inspire you and make you join the mobilisation for a more sustainable future, where nature and humans would live in harmony.

Banner picture © Julie Cam

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