
Wetlands, essential to biodiversity and climate, are in steep decline. However, many species, animal and plant, depend on these very special ecosystems. This is why we have chosen to rehabilitate, a stone's throw from La Gacilly in Brittany, an 8 ha wet meadow in partnership with the Yves Rocher teams. In this Observatory come and discover the playground of a singular fauna and flora... Some call it ordinary biodiversity, for us it is already extraordinary. So get your binoculars!

Day or night butterflies, amphibians and song locusts, birds passing through or settling, graceful dragonflies, spiders galore, including the famous Dolomede, the fishing spider... No less than 272 animal species have been listed in the heart of the wetland that we have restored. So, budding naturalists, come and discover this little world teeming with life! Do not hesitate to share your observations on: observatoire_biodiversite@fondationyvesrocher.org

The flora
In the heart of the wet meadow of the Observatory, the water that circulates gives a particular character to the territory. A whole range of adapted flora depends on this unique environment, sometimes capable of living under water, and playing an essential role in the balance of this invaluable reservoir of biodiversity. By taking the decking, walkers will observe marsh irises and hottonies, meadow cardamines, scattered rushes... Something to delight young and old!

Did you say wetlands?
Intensification of agricultural practices, unsuitable hydraulic facilities, galloping urbanization... Since 1960, more than half of the wetlands have disappeared in France. However, these ecosystems purify water and air, retain carbon and regulate floods. They therefore provide valuable services to the environment and also have essential scientific, landscape, economic and touristic values. This is why we are committed, locally, to restoring the natural conditions conducive to the rebirth of this environment with extraordinary ecological potential.
In aerial view, the Observatoire de la biodiversité reveals a wide range of colors.
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Educational ponds are real reservoirs of biodiversity, they are essential areas for the reproduction of amphibians, which depend 100% of them on wetlands.
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At the end of the deck of the Biodiversity Observatory, go to an ornithological hut on the edge of Aff.
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The ornithological hut is also the perfect place for a break in your nature walk.
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Equip yourself with binoculars and hide in the ornithological hut to discreetly observe the local birds...
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Gaze turned towards the Dolomeda. Guardian of the humic zone at the Biodiversity Observatory.
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A collective adventure
Rehabilitating the natural site of the Villeneuve farm and its wet meadow, acquired by the Yves Rocher brand in 2016, by restoring all the initial functions... This is the adventure and the fight that we have chosen to carry out collectively. Local associations, volunteer Yves Rocher employees, League for the Protection of Birds, Fishing Federation, EPTB Vilaine, GRETIA, SMGBO, GMB, and many more... By mobilizing and uniting our strengths and our expertise, we are putting together over the long term, the only one capable of allowing the return of a virtuous ecosystem from which we learn a little more every day, and which we are delighted to show to the general public.

Infos pratiques
Observatoire de la biodiversité - Villeneuve - 35550 Sixt-sur-Aff – LA GACILLY
Accès : par la D777, juste après le camping Rives Nature