Isabelle Autissier , lauréate du Grand Prix Fondation Yves Rocher Terre de Femmes 2023
Isabelle Autissier :
L’aventure, une seconde nature
Navigatrice française, première femme à avoir fait un tour du monde en solitaire, Isabelle Autissier est aussi ingénieure agronome, animatrice radio, écrivaine, conteuse, et Présidente d’honneur du WWF-France. Rencontre avec cette aventurière profondément engagée pour la nature.

What is your relationship with nature?

It is a long-term relationship. In the time spent at sea, there is no Monday, no Sunday, no 8 a.m.… It is always time for nature, time for the passing cloud, for the coming depression. , of the bird that flies over. It is an invitation to re-anchor and decelerate, to reconnect with the time of nature… perhaps during our leisure time first, and soon, I hope, during our work time.

Where do you get the energy to fight?

In the imagination. The energy of the fight is above all to imagine the world of tomorrow, a better world, a way out of the impasse. It gives a lot of momentum. And when you pool your energy with others, it’s even stronger. Together, we then see solutions.

In your opinion, how are women beautiful agents of change?

Women are the first victims of global warming because they have less economic power and less freedom. And yet, they are the ones who are fully committed to the future of our planet. They take care of future generations, hold ancestral know-how and get involved in their community… They are the breeding ground for change: this is why it is essential to support them.

A message for young people?

Young people do not wait for us to get involved, and fortunately! They are the ones who are going to take all the environmental disorders squarely in the face… So I want to tell them: “Go ahead! Continue: we are with you, we support you, we will help you”. We were partly the problem, but together we can invent the solution.

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